Novasterol with plants sterols Sanofi 1 month treatment Novasterol reduces your rate of blood cholesterol INSTRUCTIONS OF use Novasterol : take 2 bags / day to be diluted in a big glass of water. Take 1 bag of novasterol before the lunch and 1 before the dinner. Slightly vanilla taste Precautions for use Novasterol : do not to exceed the advised daily dose. Hold out of reach children. Not substitute not in a varied and well-balanced food nor in a healthy lifestyle. The persons under controls medical and / or under hypocholestérolémiant treatment, have to ask advice from a doctor before the grip of this product the pregnant or breast-feeding women do not have to consume Novastérol Reserved for the adult. Do not consume more than 3g / day of stérols vegetables Novasterol program 28 days food complement pack of 2 boxes of 28 bags Novasterol